Renewing governance - issues and options
by Banerjee Ajit M;Chandrasekharan K.A
Published by : Tata Mc Graw - Hill (New Delhi) Physical details: XV, 451p ISBN:0-07-462088-6.
India in Politics and government in 1977-
India in Economic policy in 1980-
India in Economic conditions in 1947-
Institutional implications of economic liberalization, redefining the role of government, restructuring government machinery in center and states, changing pattern of NGO- state relations, law enforcement and police, improvement of systems, regulations and procedures
Decentralization and economic reforms : Centre-state financial relations, impact on rural development, impact on urban development
Corporate sector : Restructuring public enterprises, private corporate sector and state in emerging Indian economy
Civil service : Rethinking civil service system, challenges before IAS, issues in civil service reform
Major governance systems : Renewing parliamentary polity, redefining economic and social planning and role of planning commission, relook at judicial system, relook at audit of public enterprises
Area of concern : Economic reforms- refocusing social sector, public services and citizen's charter, administrative reform
Year: 1996
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