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The power to change: Women in the third world redefine their environment - a report by the women's feature service

Published by : kali for Women (Newdelhi) Physical details: XIII, 236p ISBN:1-85649-226-5.
Subject(s): Women in development in Developing countries - Case studies. -- Women in Developing countries in Social conditions. -- Development and women -- Africa- Neglect of agricultural sector, marginalization of women, neglected agricultural sector, marginalization of women, falling commodity prices, declining resource flow, debt, structural adjustment, democracy and environment -- Kenya : Rebuilding homes and communities, farmers, village women, harvest of locusts -- Mali -Independence, Morocco- water revolution, Mozambique- irrigation scheme leaves farmers high and dry, Namibia - neglected farmers hope for a new deal, Sudan - small enterprises, Tunisia- gobbling up forest, Uganda - home building factory, AIDS orphans one million, Zambia- sewing up a new business, easing women's work, inventing for self reliance, Zimbabwe- women farmers lead the way -- S&SE Asia : Poverty, political upheavals, development, environmental shock - exodus, history and economy, escalating development, dwindling resources -- India : Bhopal women say no to carbide settlement, development or disaster, tendu leaf politics, SPARC of hope for slum dwellers, resisting industrial invasion, women miners refuse refuse retrenchment, troubles in tribal country, women's long march for fuel and fodder, Pakistan - Women emerge in strength, farm women find a forum, Sri Lanka- Tackling envronmental issues, green villages, NGOs woo women with water, Philippines - growing rich and green, children cursed for forests, return to nature, giant project threatens farmers -- Latin America : Patricia Baeza, economic double bind, Bolivia, Brazil- bartering fertility for votes, Chile, Colombia- Indians march for salt, Ecuador- children and land, shrimp industry destroys mangroves, El Salvador- conservation in fields, Honduras- sowing seeds of hope, greens protest against forest contract, Mexico- AIDS sweeps Jalisco, Nicaragua- biologists lead conservation campaign, Uruguay- weeding out toxic harvest, building homes and communities -- women empowerment
Year: 1992
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