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Advanced economic theory:Microeconomic analysis

by Ahuja,H.L
Edition statement:21 Published by : S Chand And Company Limited (New Delhi) Physical details: 1347p. ISBN:978-93-528-3733-5.
Subject(s): Scope and methodology of economics:Nature and scope of economic theory--Micro and macro economics--Methodology of economics--Methodology of economics ,economic statics and dynamics--Basic mathematical concepts and optimisation techniques -- Demand analysis and theory of consumers choice:Demand and function--Consumer's behavior cardinal utility analysis--Indifference curve analysis of demand--Demand for complementary and substitute goods--Marshallian cardinal utility analysis vs indifference curve analysis--Applications and uses of indifference curve--Revealed preference theory of demand--Hicks logical ordering theory of demand--Elasticity of demand--Consumer surplus--Attribute approach to Consumers behavior--Individual choice under risk and uncertainty-- -- Theory of production and cost analysis: Theory of production returns to a variable factor--Poduction function with two variable inputs--Optimum factor combination--Cost analysis-- Linear programming--Supply and its elasticity -- Price and output determination in various market structures:Market structures and concepts of revenue for a firm--Firm general analysis of its nature objectives and equilibrium--Pricing in competitive markets demand supply analysis--Equilibrium of the firm and industry under perfect competition--Comparative static analysis of equilibrium and long run supply curve of the competiitive industry--Existence and stability of equilibrium under perfect competition--Kaldor and sraffa on incompatibility of equilibrium with perfect competition--Price and output determination under monopoly--Price distribution--Measurement of the degree of monopoly power--Price and output determination under monopolistic competition--A critique of chamberlins theory of monopolistic competition--A critical evalution of excess capacity of doctrine monopolistic competition theory--Chamberlin's monopolistic competition vs Joan Robinson's imperfect competition theories--Price and output determination under oligopoly--Classical models of oligopoly--Non price competition selling cost and advertising--Cost plus pricing theory--Theory of games and strategic behavior--Sales maximization model of oligopoly firm--Managerical theories of the firm marris and williamson's models--Behavioral theory of the firm satisficing model--Theory of limit pricing--Government policies towards monopoly and competition -- Theory of distribution (Pricing of factors): Neo classical macro theory of relative distributive shares--Pricing of factors in competitive markets--Pricing of factors in imperfectly competitive markets--Trade unions collective bargaining and wages--Theory of rent--theory of interest--Theory of profits--Alternative macro theories of distribution-- -- General equilibrium analysis and welfare economics: Welfare economics--Concept and conditions of pareto optimality--Compensation principle--Grand utility possibility frontier and welfare maximisation--Market failures externalities and public goods--Social welfare function and theory of social choice -- Intertemporal choice and markets with asymmetric information:Interest saving and investment intertemporal choice--Information problem and markets with asymmetric informtaion
Year: 2022
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