Rural development
by Harriss,John(ed)
Published by : Rawat Publications (New Delhi) Physical details: 409p. ISBN:978-81-316-0843-2.
Analyses of agrarian change and rural development strategies:Unimodel and bimodel strategies--Urban bias rural bias and industrialization
Structural analysis of agrarian change:Capital and peasantry--Peasant economies and the development of capitalist agriculture in theCauca valley,Colombia
Analysis of the peasant farm economy:Polarization and cyclical mobility the Russian debate over the differntiation of the peasantry--Chayanov's theory of peasant economy--Game against nature,theories of peasant decision making--Production condition in Indian agriculture
Rural labour: Population ,involution and employment in rural Java--Peasants ,proletarianization and the articultulation of modes of production,the case of sugar cane cutters in northern Peru
The state and the peasantry:The state and the peasantry in Tanzania--Taking the part of peasants--practical theory of agrarian transition
Year: 1982
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