Microeconomic analysis
by Varian,Hal R.
Edition statement:3 Published by : Viva Books (New Delhi) Physical details: 506p. ISBN:978-81-309-0863-2.
Technology:Cobb-Douglas technology--Leontief technology--Monotonic technologies--Convex technologies--CES production function--
Profit Maximization:Profit function for Cobb-Douglas technology--Properties of demand and supply functions--Comparative statics using algebra--Recoverability
Profit function:Effects of price stabilization--supply and demand functions from profit function--LeChatelier principle
Cost minimization
Cost fuction:Average and marginal costs--Cobb-Douglas cost curves--The envelope theorum for constrained optimization
Duality: Applying duality mapping--Geometry of duality--uses of duality--
Utility functions: Money metric utility--CES utility
Choice:Slutsky equation--Integrability problem
Demand:homothetic utility functions--Hicksian separability--Two-good model--Functional separability
Consumers surplus:Quasilinear utility--money metric utility--Nonparametric bounds
Uncertainty: Allais paradox and Ellsberg paradox
Econometrics:Optimization hypothesis--parametric tests of maximizing behavior--structural and reduced models--Diewert cost function--Translog cost function--multiple equations--Linear expenditure system--almost ideal demand system
Competitive markets:Identical cost function market equlibrium
Monopoly:Price discrimination--first degree,second degree,third degree price discrimination--Welfare effects
Game theory:Prisoner's dilemma--cournot duopoly --Bertrana duopoly--Nash equilibrium--Simple bargaining model--Sealed -bid auction
Oligopoly--Exchange--Walrasian equlibria--Pareto efficiency and calculas--Welfare maximization
Production:Firm behavior--Labour supply--Distribution of profit--
Time:intertemporal preferences--Logarithmic utility--infinity--General equlibrium over states of nature
Asset markets:Capital asset pricing model--Arbitrage pricing theory--Expected utility and the APT complete markets
Equilibrium analysis--Welfare--Public goods--Externalities--Information--Principal -agent problem--education signaling--Mathematics--Optimization--first and second order conditions --Concavity--Quasiconcave and quasiconvex functions--setting up kuhn-tucker problems
Year: 2022
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