Kerala Municipality Building rules, 1999
by Sindhu Bernad (ed.)
, കേരള മുനിസിപ്പാലിറ്റി കെട്ടിട നിർമ്മാണ ചട്ടങ്ങൾ, 1999 Published by : Swami law house (Kochi ) Physical details: 410p.
Kerala municipality (Amendment ) act 2021, Kerala municipality building (regulations of unauthorized construction) rules 2018, coastal regulation zone, notification 2019, guidelines for updation of coastal zone management plan (CZMP) prepared as per CRZ notification 2011 to align it with CRZ notification 2019, laws to protect paddy fields and watershed, important govt. orders and circular, Kerala town and country planning act 2016, rules for 2021 Kerala urban rural planning,
Kerala Municipality building rules 2019 : Drawings, permits and occupancy certificates, general provisions regarding site and building requirements, occupancy, parts of building, huts and buildings in small plots, row buildings, building construction under approved schemes, special provisions for large scale development projects approved by government, construction in plots of which have been surrendered free of cost for road development, accessory building and shed
Wall and fence, special provisions for certain constructions, wells , rainwater harvesting, solar assisted water heating/lighting system, waste disposal, safety provisions for Highrise buildings, telecommunication towers
Year: 2010
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