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Flood handbook : Impacts and management

Additional authors: Eslamian, Saeid, | Eslamian, Faezeh A.,
Edition statement:First edition. Published by : CRC press (Boca Raton,FL) Physical details: 547 ISBN:9781138615144.
Subject(s): Flood control. -- Floods. -- Floods and sustainability :Hydrological resilience of large lakes management, sustainability in flood management, best management practices as an alternative approach for urban flood control -- Flood impact analysis : Flood management- status, causes and land use impact in India, impact of urbanization on flooding, impact of infiltration on flood volume and peak, from resistance prediction in gravel bed rivers, catchment morphometric characteristics impact on flood management- role of geospatial technology -- Flood risk management : From risk to opportunity : Flood risk management in Romania, importance of risk mapping in processes of spatial planning in Spain, reducing flood risk in Spain- role of spatial planning, integration opf flood losses in risk analysis, river rehabilitation for flood protection,torrential and flash flood warning- general overview and uses of localized hydropower -- Flood hazards and damages : Flood and building damages, flood mapping, monitoring and damage assessment, fundamental flood hazard issues in alluvial fan environment, physical vulnerability, flood damage and adjustment- examining factors affecting damage to residential buildings in eastern Dhaka -- Flood erosion and sediment : River flood erosion and land development and management, Debris and solid waste in flood plain management, sedimentary investigation into origin and composition of dam reservoir, sedimentation and geomorphological changes during floods -- Flooding and dam construction : Dam failure assessment for sustainable flood retention basins, simulating flood due to dam break, modeling propagation of submersion wave in case of a dam break in Algeria, river restoration for flood impact mitigation
Year: 2022
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Includes index.

"Floods are difficult to prevent but can be managed in order to reduce their environmental, social, cultural, and economic impacts. Flooding poses a serious threat to life and property, and therefore it's very important that flood risks be taken into account during any planning process. This handbook presents different aspects of flooding in the context of a changing climate and across various geographical locations. Written by experts from around the world, it examines flooding in various climates and landscapes, taking into account environmental, ecological, hydrological, and geomorphic factors, and considers urban, agriculture, rangeland, forest, coastal, and desert areas. Presents the main principles and applications of the science of floods, including engineering and technology, natural science, as well as sociological implications. Examines flooding in various climates and diverse landscapes, taking into account environmental, ecological, hydrological, and geomorphic factors. Considers floods in urban, agriculture, rangeland, forest, coastal, and desert areas. Covers flood control structures as well as preparedness and response methods. Written in a global context, by contributors from around the world"--

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