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Handbook on urban social policies : International perspectives on multilevel governance and local welfare

Series: Research handbooks in urban studies Published by : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd (UK) Physical details: xii, 460 pages ; ISBN:9781788116145.
Subject(s): Urban policy. -- Localizing risk and vulnerability : Localizing new social risks, territorial welfare governance changes- concepts and explanatory factors, territorial dimension of social investment in Europe, urban social innovation and European city- assessing changing urban welfare mix and its scalar articulation, citizenship practices and co-production of local social policies in southern Europe, transformation of local welfare systems in European cities -- Local dimension of targeted social policies : Care as multi- scalar policy- ECEC and LTC services across Europe, Poverty and multi-layered social assistance in Europe, institutional logics of service provision- national and urban governance of activation policies in three European countries, local dimension of housing policies, migration policies at local level- constraints and windows of opportunities in contentious field, segregation, neighborhood effects and social mix policies, local segregation patterns and multilevel education policies -- Instruments of local social policies : Local governance and street level bureaucracy- ground floor of social policy, national regional local shifting games in multi tiered welfare states, social work and community work, new public management inspired public sector reform and evaluation long term care provisions in European countries, public participation and social policies in contemporary cities, territorial effects of EU policies- which social outcomes at local level -- Example of urban social policies around the world : Social city, rescaling of social policies in post Yugoslav space- welfare parallelism and local state capture, decentralization and its consequences in US social policy, urban social protection in Africa, social policies and security in favelas and urban peripheries of Brazilian cities, innovative local social policies in China, urban and local social policies in Nordic countries, challenges of activation policies in Japan and their local dimension | Public welfare. | Social policy. | Public welfare. | Social policy. | Urban policy.
Year: 2022
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