Nagarasabhakalile VikasanakaryaStanding Committikulla Kaipusthakam (Handbook for Development Standing Committee in Urban Local Governments)
, നഗരസഭകളിലെ വികസനകാര്യ സ്റ്റാന്റിംഗ് കമ്മിറ്റിയ്ക്കുള്ള കൈപ്പുസ്തകം
Published by :
Kerala Institute of Local Governance - KILA
(Thrissur )
Physical details: 182p.
Kerala and urban development, urban governance and committee system, development standing committee and its duties, development standing committee and production sector, animal husbandry and dairy development, small industries, fisheries, co-operative, institutional finance, united navakerala karma programs, climate change and development, gender justice in development, collaboration of state and central projects, WCP, pradhan mantri fasal biam yojana, MIS-PSS, PM-KISAN, PMSKSY, rashtriya krishi vikas yojana, national food security mission, policy planning, project execution, project monitoring, social audit, audit, food security and environment protection
Year: 2022