Municipal Solid Waste Management Manual Part I : An Overview
Published by : Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India (New Delhi ) Physical details: 62p.
How to use this manual
Management aspect- planning, institutional and financial aspects : Regulatory framework- key requirements by the solid waste management rules 2016 and other directives, modern integrated municipal solid waste management, preparation of municipal solid waste management plan- seven step approach -Policies, programs and legal framework, assessment of current situation and gap analysis, stakeholder consultation for municipal solid waste management planning, preparation of draft municipal solid waste management plan, schedule for implementation, stakeholder consultation for municipal solid waste management plan validation, municipal council approval for municipal solid waste management plan and implementation including public private partnership, role of state and regional level authorities, creation of regional facilities, understanding local solid waste management needs, role of stakeholders and municipal solid waste management planning, establish appropriate institutional mechanisms, ensure sustainable financing for municipal solid waste management, make or buy decisions/public private partnership (PPP), centralized v/s decentralized municipal solid waste management system, role of informal sector
Technical apects- segregation, collection and transformation : At source minimization- options to reduce the amount of waste, waste segregation, collection and transportation, street cleaning and drain cleaning
Technical aspects- processing and treatment of municipal solid waste : Waste treatment- how to select appropriate technologies, recycling and recovery, processing technologies, material recovery facility, composting, waste to energy, incineration, biomethanation, refuse derived fuel, technologies under development, construction and demolition waste management
Technical aspects - solid waste disposal in municipal sanitary landfills : Ensure planning and operation of state of the art landfills
Municipal solid waste management plan implementation : Municipal solid waste management plan implementation and requisite clearance, contracting arrangements for municipal solid waste management plan service provision, enabling condition for successful private sector partnership and public private partnership contracts
Management aspects- monitoring municipal solid waste service provision : Monitoring municipal solid waste management plan implementation, importance of operation and maintenance for ensured service delivery
What to do with special waste including domestic hazardous waste
Adequate training and capacity building for municipal solid waste management plan stuff, effective community participation through information, education and communication,
Research and development and demonstration project needs for the municipal solid waste sector : quality and characteristics of municipal solid waste, segregated storage at source, collection and trabsport of segregated waste streams, processing of municipal solid waste, sanitary landfills, remediation of dumpsite
Year: 2016