Public Goods and Decentralization : Duality Approach in the Theory of Value
by Ruys, P.H.M | Dalmulder, J.J.J
Published by : Nijgh-Wolters Noorshoff universitaire (Rotterdam ) Physical details: 235p. ISBN:978-94-011-7637-8.
Economic theory and economic environment, private and public goods, duality approach, decentralized allocation mechanisms
Equilibrium in a system of economic relations, general equilibrium theory, optimal allocations, exchange economy
Production, production sets and production multifunction, conditions in production model price structure corresponding to a technology, conditions in price space, preference ordering of inputs, satiation for a dispensability of inputs, demand and price multifunction
Consumption nd production of public goods : Consumption model, private goods, public goods and externalities, transaction costs, social consumption and production, economy with local public goods
Equilibrium in economies with private and public goods, valuation representation of an economy, equilibrium in an economy with public goods only, equilibrium in an economy with private and public goods, two level price equilibrium, financing the public sector
Organization of economic decisions : Allocation mechanisms, centralization and decentralization, procedures with social preference ordering, procedures with individual performance orderings, multi-level organization
Extensions: between values and resources, theory of motion
Mathematics- Basic mathematical notions and notations, sets and duality, multifunctions and duality, convex processes, convex cone interior processes, convex star and convex aureole process
Year: 1974