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Disaster Management Plan (Hindi & English)

Published by : Ministry of Panchayati Raj (New Delhi ) Physical details: 397p.
Subject(s): Message by minister of Panchayati raj and other officials -- National component of disaster management plan for ministry of Panchayati raj : Context of disaster management plan by ministry of Panchayati raj - Profile of ministry of Panchayati raj, constitutional provision for planning by panchayats and district planning committee, gram panchayat development plan, block development plan, district development plan for rural area, Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhigyan, eGram SWARAJ and GIS, SWAMITVA, central finance commission grants for empowering panchayats, rationale of disaster management plan, legal mandate, vision, scope, objectives, time frames- short, medium and long run, compliance, conformity and alignment with NDMP and global framework, structurer of framework for disaster management plan of MoPR -- Institutional Framework for Disaster Management : Institutional framework for disaster management at national level, National disaster management authority (NDMA), national institute of disaster management (NIDM), national disaster response force (NDRF), nodal ministry for management/ mitigation of different disasters, institutional framework for disaster management at state level, state disaster management authority (SDMA), district disaster management authority (DDMA) -- Hazard risk, vulnerability and capacity analysis : Natural hazards, human induced disaster, hazard risk and vulnerability mapping, disaster risks in rural area, cyclone, flood, drought, earthquake, tsunami, landslide and snow avalanche, thunderstorm, lightning, squall, dust storm and strong wind, heat wave, fire and forest fire, environment and climate change, human induced hazard, emergencies associated with mass gatherings, chemical and industrial disaster, nuclear and radiological emergencies, biological and public health emergencies, covid 19, multi hazard vulnerability, regions involving multiple state requiring special attention, analysis of capacity building of PRIs for disaster management, do's and don'ts -- Coherence of disaster risk management across resilient development and climate change action : Sendai framework for disaster risk reeducation, conformity of plan with sendai framework, sustainable development goals, sustainable development goals (SDG) and sisaster resilience, conformity of the plan with sustainable development goals (SDG), Paris agreement on climate change, Paris agreement and disaster risk reduction, conformity of the plan with Paris agreement, coherence and mutual reinforcement for DRR, Prime Minister's ten point agenda for disaster risk reduction, conformity of the plan with PM's ten point agenda -- Disaster specific preventive and mitigation measures - responsibility framework : Inter agency coordination, investing in DRR structural/ non- structural measures, capacity development, climatic change risk management -- Mainstreaming of community based disaster management plan of villages and panchayats : Role of panchayats in disaster management, village disaster management plan, template for village disaster management plan (VDMP), mainstreaming of disaster management lan of gram panchat into GPDP, mainstreaming of disaster management plan of intermediate panchayat into block development plan, mainstreaming of disaster management plan of district panchayat into district development plan of rural area, linkage of the DMP with district disaster management plans, support structure for disaster management planning by panchayats, innovations in disaster management plan for ministry of Panchayati raj -- Socially inclusive disaster risk reduction in rural area : Importance of special focus on vulnerable groups, gender including sexual minorities, scheduled caste and scheduled tribe or any other vulnerable groups, children, specially abled/ differently abled persons, -- Preparedness and response : Community based disaster preparedness, early warning system, national early warning system, role of PRIs in early warning system, response, rescue and relief operation, role of PRIs in rescue and relief operations, emergency functions and responsibilities -- Recovery and reconstruction : Steps of recovery process, early, mid and long term recovery, building back better for disaster resilient reconstruction and rehabilitation -- Capacity building framework for disaster management plan for community and panchayats : Objectives of the capacity building framework, key institutions for training, national nodal institutions, state nodal institutions, local level training institutions for block and district development plan, themes and sub themes for capacity development, teams of trainers/ resource persons for CB & T and facilitation of disaster management plan, state level master trainers team, district and block resources groups for disaster management plan of villages and panchayats, approach of CB & T for disaster management plans of community and panchayts, combined efforts for training & non-training interventions, [lan of action for CB & T for DMP of community and panchayats, standardized learning material for disaster management planning, cascading mode of training, online training, cross learning of panchayats functionaries and exposure visits, creating islands of success for disaster management development plan for rural area, monitoring of CB&T activities for disaster management plan -- Coordination, convergence and collective action : Functional coordination with multiple agencies, convergence with the structure and system of disaster management, achieving convergence with important schemes of central government -- Plan management : Budgetary requirement and availability, budget for disaster management [plan of ministry of Panchayati raj, national disaster management plan of ministry of Panchayati raj, national disaster response fund,. state disaster response fund, national disaster risk management fund (NDRMF) and state disaster risk management fund (SDRMF), implementation of plan, monitoring of disaster management plan of ministry of Panchayati raj, revision and updation of plan
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