Rural Area Development Plan Formulation and Implementation (RADPFI) Guidelines, 2021 (Revised)
Published by : Ministry of Panchayati Raj (New Delhi) Physical details: 266p.
73rd constitutional amendment and RADPFI : Aims , objectives, application of revised RADPFI
Plan formulation : Developing and implementing revised RADPFI guidelines, plan formulation for gram panchayats, time schedule for plan preparation, legislative processes, people's participation, integrating and implementation of rural planning, contents of existing gram panchayat development plan
Spatial approach to rural planning : need for categorization of villages, village within planning area of the delineated metropolis-tan area/city/town- urban influence, census towns, village in interior rural areas in back ward districts, village under PESA, agro climatic zone, villages located in vulnerable disaster prone areas, major river drainage basin
Gram panchayat spatial development plan : Institutional structure for plan preparation, plan hierarchy, plan for abadi area, Indicative land use plans (ILUP), spatial planning and use of citizen science, data collection through secondary sources of information, plan boundary validation and convergence, land record and digital mapping, public consultation by gram panchayts
Rural infrastructure planning- land use, norms and standards : Physical infrastructure, water supply, sanitation, solid and liquid waste management, road infrastructure, social infrastructure, economic infrastructure, environmental infrastructure, habitat planning in rural areas
Sustainable development goals and disaster management - goals and national protocols : Natural resources in rural areas, SDG in rural planning, recource management, soild and liquid waste management, climate change mitigation and adaptation, vulnerability assessment, rural disaster resilience strategy and plan, disaster risk reduction and rural development, community panchayat/village disaster management plan
Simplified planning techniques : Digital data collection techniques, village information system, drone survey, date crowdsourcing, geological survey India, SVAMITVA
Consolidation of gram panchayat spatial development plan : village planning scheme, spatial planning, spatial consolidation of plans, integration of special plans with sectoral plans
Resource mobilization for plan implementation : Fifteenth finance commission, role of GPs in resource mobilization
Institutional support mechanisms and capacity building : Rural administration, grama panchayat spatial changes- 73rd CAA and rules, system support for planning and implementation, district town and country planning department (TCPDs), rural development assistance (RDAs), convergence and support for plan monitoring and evaluation, spatial and sectoral, fiscal and budgets, capacity building, infrastructural and logistics, monitoring and ensuring quality, human resource development for sustainable spatial planning, grassroot level governance, e- governance, citizen science
Operationalization of revised RADPFI guidelines : Adoption of revised RADPFI guidelines for spatial development plan preparation and linking with GPDP, implementation of projects, monitoring, people's involvement in planning and implementation, human resource requirement, new roles and funcations of state rural/ panchayati raj department, information system, database for implementation, training, spatial data infrastructure (SDI) for villages, spatial budgeting through participation, DTCPs/ town and country planning departments, local bodies / development authorities, modified state and town country planning act
Year: 2021
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