Navakeralathinu Janakeeyasoothranam : Grama- Block Panchayathukal Pathinalam Panjavalsara Padhathiyile 2022-2023 Muthal 2026-2027 vareyulla Varshika padhathikal Thayarakanulla Margharekha
, നവകേരളത്തിന് ജനകീയാസൂത്രണം: ഗ്രാമ -ബ്ലോക്ക് - ജില്ലാ പഞ്ചായത്തുകൾ പതിനാലാം പഞ്ചവൽസര പദ്ധതിയിലെ 2022-2023 മുതൽ 2026 -2027 വരെയുള്ള വാർഷിക പദ്ധതികൾ തയ്യാറാക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള മാർഗ്ഗരേഖ സ.ഉ (കൈ ) നം. 84/ 2022/ LSGD , തിരുവനന്തപുരം, തീയതി : 19.04.2022
Published by :
KILA, State Resource Group on Decentralized Planning
Physical details: 135p.
Local self government institutions and 14th five year planning, specific development goals, Planning committees, working groups, grama sabha, oorukuttangal, development seminars, annual project reports, consultancy services, subsidies, waiting officers, innovative projects, resource allocation, development fund, scheduled caste sub plan, tribal sub plan, women empowerment projects, projects for children, differently abled and transgenders, welfare of elderly, paliative care, micro plan for poor, FFC sub plan, asset maintenance plan, SDGs, disaster management, climate change, health sector grant, local economic development plan-LED plan, haritha Kerala mission, agricultural development, sanitation, animal husbandry, fisheries, energy, small scale industries, education, health , social justice, food distribution programs, guest workers, housing, migrated workers, arts and sports, transportation, tourism, NRI welfare, annual project and budget, selecting the beneficiaries, monitoring, social audit
Year: 2022