Thadesh Swayambharana Sthapanangalile Community Women facilitermarkula Parisheelanam : Parisheelana Module
, തദ്ദേശ സ്വയംഭരണ സ്ഥാപനങ്ങളിലെ കമ്മ്യൂണിറ്റി വിമൺ ഫെസിലിറ്റേറ്റർമാർക്കുള്ള പരിശീലനം : പരിശീലന മൊഡ്യൂൾ
Published by :
Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA)
Physical details: 76p.
Panchayat raj and women empowerment, gender/women resource center, Community women facilitator - responsibility, duties, documentation, help desk, office maintenance, important things to noted by library, Prorpation of training module, project prepration, counciling, law and women, evaluvation of the activities and future planning , feedback on training logistics
Year: 2021