Readings in the Indian Parliamentary Opposition Vol 2
by Ram, D. Sundar
Published by : Kanishka Publishers (New Delhi ) Physical details: 401p. ISBN:81-7391-116-9.
Leadership conflict and the disintegration of the Indian socialist movement, socialist in fourth general elections, Indian swatantra party, diagnostic appraisal of the swatantra party in Indian politics, swatantra party and its contribution to Indian politics, Jana sangh and bloc politics 1967-80, coalition politics in india and political system, Indian communism and the Kerala experience of coalition government
Credible coalition at the centre, janata party politics in India, opposition politics before and after the eighth lok sabha elections, role of the former congressmen in opposition 1980-93, opportunity parties in India, janata dal opposition, bharatiya janata party (BJP), study from praja socialist party to the national front
Year: 1996