Sambathika Avalokanam 2020 ( Vol-2)
, സാമ്പത്തിക അവലോകനം 2020 (വാല്യം-2) Published by : Kerala state planning board (Thriruvananthapuram ) Physical details: 487p.
Economic review of Kerala in the year 2020
India's GDP in 2020
Economic and social performance of Kerala in 2020
Consumer behaviour in Kerala, Gender ration, Agricultural production, Population, banking, Rainwater availability, Rice production,use of fertilizers, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, NBARD, Kissan credit card, R.I.D.F, agricultural loan, Milk/Dairy production, Livestock and veterinary, Fisheries, Water authority, Groundwater
Animal protection, Forest products, Food security, public distribution,Commercial banks, Handloom, Khadi, Coir and cashew industry, Tourism, kochi harbour, Community policing, Cyber crime,drinking water and sanitation, Education, Scheduled caste and scheduled tribe, Employment and unemployment rate
Inter caste and inter religion marriages, NRI money,vehicles registration and transportation, KSRTC, Local administration, Pradhan Manthri avas yojana, Mahatma Gandhi deshiya gramina thozhilurapu padhathi,Din dayam Anthyodaya yojana
മഹാത്മാ ഗാന്ധി ദേശിയ ഗ്രാമീണ തൊഴിലുറപ്പ് പദ്ധതി , ദിൻ ദയാൽ അന്ത്യോദയ യോജന
Year: 2021
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