Women in decision making
by Kumari Ranjana
Series: Gender studies (Delhi, India) Published by : Vikas Publishing House (New Delhi) Physical details: 166p.
Religious life and customs
Social conditions.
Cross-cultural studies
Political empowerment
Political participation
An experiment in empowerment- women's participation in decision making at grass root level, women's participation in policy and decision making process- need for a network, NGO's role in making women's issues visible, women's participation in policy and decision making process- grass root experience, global experiences of setting up commissions for women, assessment of government machinery and its impact on implementation of programs for women, networking for strengthening women's power at national and SAARC levels, an assessment of impact of women's movement on major issues concerning women, women in India and eighth five year plan
Women's political participation need for a network, political empowerment of Indian women, evaluation of present nature of coalition among women's action groups
women empowerment
Year: 1992
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