The panchayat tradition: A north Indian village council in transition 1947-1962
by Zamora Mario D
Published by : Reliance Publishing House (New Delhi) Physical details: 260p ISBN:81-85047-44-8.
Panchayat raj in India,Senapur.
Panchayat raj in India in Uttar Pradesh.
Local administration around the world
Panchayat raj historic context : Vedic age, mauryan age, gupta period, mughal rule , British regime
Panchayats and nationalist movements
Gandhi on Panchayat
Panchayat after independence
Panchayat and planning
Panchayat and five year plan
legislation and formation unit , membership,reservation and tenure, voting, official membership, funds, functions
State and village context
Utter Pradesh : geographical setting, land and population, agriculture,Weather and climate, population and caste , thakur-praja system ,senpur crops, demographic features , age, sex and marital status, Education, employment
Traditional and statutory panchayats : Caste panchayat, kisan-lagdar Panchayat, situational panchayat , statutory panchayat, judicial functions, village assembly's new source of income, taxation, village assembly register, judicial administrative, revenue policy
Statutory Panchayat's performance
1949 Panchayat elections
1949 executive committee
Rural court of 1949
1955 election in UP
Election campaign in senpur
Panchayat's performance in other UP villages
Planned change
Factors for Panchayat ineffectiveness
Caste affiliation
Communication problems
Caste discrimination
Citizen participation
General summary, tentative conclusions and suggestions for further investigation
Year: 1990
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