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Urban local government and administration in India

by Sachdeva Pardeep
Published by : Kitab Mahal (Allahabad) Physical details: IV, 416p.
Subject(s): Urban Development -- Law and legislation -- urban Poverty -- Meaning, scope and significance of urban local government : Attributes/ characteristics of local government, distinction between local government and local self government, urban personnel management, urban financial administration, state control over urban government, special purpose agencies, municipal reforms, municipal bureaucracy, associations and unions of municipal, employers and employees, role of political parties, comparative urban local government, significance of democracy, training ground for emerging leaders, solution of local problems in effective manner, provision of civic amenities, economic management of local services reduction in burden of central government, efficient and effective management of local affairs, channel of communication between state government and community, check against bureaucracy, mitigation of evils of party system -- Urbanization- Indian scenario : Urbanization, urbanization a global phenomenon, definition of an urban area, urban agglomeration, salient features of urbanization in India, factors contributing to urbanization, problems/challenges of urbanization, shortage of housing, growth of slums, scourge of urban poverty, scarcity of urban land, menace of pollution, lack of employment opportunities, increasing social development problems, realization of urban areas, encroachment on agricultural lands, major policy pronouncement in relation to urbanization, five year plans, national urbanization policy resolution, measures taken to combat the challenges of urbanization, reasons of failure to check urbanization, need for national urbanization policy, essentials of national urbanisation policy -- Evolution of urban local government in India : Ancient and medieval period, British period, post independent period, commissions and committees appointed by central government, committee appointed by central government/ state government, central council of local self government, seminar and conferences, setting up to ministry of urban development, Nagarpalika bill 1989/1991 -- Structure of urban local governments- Municipal committees : structure of municipal committee, classifications, municipal council, elected councilors, co-opted and associated members, advisory bodies, removal of municipal councilors, committee system, municipal president, executive officers, powers and functions of municipal committees, performance of municipal committees, notified area committees -- Structure of urban local governments- municipal corporations : Municipal corporation, criteria for the creation of a municipal corporation, structure pattern of municipal corporations, corporation authorities, corporation council, committee system, mayor, his powers and functions, strengthening of mayor's position, separation of deliberative and executive functions, rationale and critique, remodeling the structure, municipal commissioner, appointment, tenure, powers and functions, functions of municipal corporation, performance of corporations -- Bombay, Calcutta and Delhi Municipal corporations : Municipal authorities, corporation, standing committee, improvement committee, education committee, municipal commissioner, general manager, duties and powers of municipal authorities, corporation budget, state government control over corporation, Calcutta municipal corporation acts of 1876,1888, 1889, 1923, 1951 and 1980, organization of corporation, committees of various types, functions of corporation -- Special purpose urban authorities : Reasons for their creation, improvement trust, housing development boards, urban estates, water supply and sewerage boards, pollution control boards -- Urban local government personnel administration : Municipal personnel system, unified and integrated, provincialization of municipal services, recruitment of municipal personnel, promotion, training, transfers, service, benefits, conduct and discipline -- Urban local government finances : Significance of finance, powers of taxation of urban local governments, municipal budget, sources of income of municipal bodies, local taxes, octroi, property tax, professional tax, entertainment tax, advertisement tax, grants and aid, municipal finance corporation, urban development finance corporation, municipal finance commission -- State control over urban local government : Arguments in favour of state control, forms of control, legislative control, administrative control, control mechanism, agencies of control, role of deputy commissioners, judicial control -- Role of political parties in urban local governments : Participation of political parties in municipal governments, politics in municipal governments, determination of holding of civic elections, supersessions of municipal bodies, contesting of elections on party basis, role of political parties in election and removal of office bearers, co-option of members, constitution of committees, disciplinary action against employees -- Urban (town) planning : Aims and objectives of urban planning, nature and scope of urban planning, principles of town planning, town planning in India, historical perspective, improvement trusts as agencies of town planning, modern town planning in pre-independence period, town planning in five year plans, modern town and country planning legislation, metropolitan planning organizations development authorities, recommendations of study team of administrative reform commission, town and country planning organization, government of India, state development of town and country planning, deficiencies in town planning, practice and impediments in its implementation -- Ministry of urban development : Emergence of ministry of urban development, subjects allotted to it, housing and human settlement, national housing policy, national housing bank, building centers and technology extension, pavement dwellers scheme, central government employees housing organization, social housing schemes, urban employment through housing and shelter upgradation, national cooperative housing federation of India, international cooperation, urban development, centrally sponsored scheme for integrated development f small and medium towns (IDSMT), world bank assisted urban development projects, urban transport, urban poverty, alleviation programs, programs of urban basic services for the poor (UBSP), environment improvement of urban slums, water supply and sanitation, training programs, central public works department, directorate of printing, directorate of estates, national building organization towns and country planning organization, stationery and publication, statutory and autonomous bodies, Delhi development authority (DDA), Delhi urban art commission, national capital region planning board, national institute of urban affairs, national building construction corporation limited, housing and urban development corporation (HUDCO), achivements of ministry of urban development, suggestions for revamping the ministry -- Urban development authorities : Rationales for establishment of urban development authorities, housing and urban development corporation, housing program for poor, augmentation of basic community facilities and infrastructure services, environmental improvements of slums, availability of quicker finances, infrastructure projects, liberation of scavengers, Nehru Rozgar yojana, promotion of housing finance corporation, loan sanctions, welfare of weaker sections and scheduled castes/tribes, assistance of rural of rural areas, resource mobilization, promotion of building in collaboration with technology information, forecasting and assessment council, human settlement management institute, habitat polytech, human resource development, achievements of HUDCO, administrative organization, personnel department, welfare department, parliament and coordination branch, law department, vigilance cell, engineering wing, lands department, redressal of grievances of public, housing department, slum wings, historical perspective, various schemes of slum wing, research and evaluation, achievements of DDA, future projects, Haryana urban development authority (HUDA), administrative organization, development activity, urban estates, development of villages encircled by urban development, development of mandi township areas, development and sale of government surplus lands, achievements of HUDA -- Urban poverty : Magnitude of urban poverty, strategies to deal with poverty, 20 point program of alleviation of urban poverty, shelter related programs, nutrition supplement programs, child development, employment generation and employment oriented training programs, participatory programs, schemes of ministry of urban development for the benefit of urban poor, new schemes for employment, Jawahar rozgar yogana, employment generating proposals -- Leadership in urban local governments : Powers and functions of political leadership in central and state government vis-a-vis local governments, leaders in municipal committees, councilors, president, executive officer, leaders in municipal corporations, municipal commissioner, studies in municipal leadership, profiles of municipal leadership, emerging trends and traits of municipal leadership, factors responsible for poor municipal leadership, measures to investigate municipal leadership -- People's participation in urban local governments : Factors responsible for people's participation, potentials of people's participation, community participation in urban community development projects, measures to promote people's participation in civic affairs, recommendtions of national commission on urbanization for people's participation -- Revamping urban local governments : Need for revamping governments, causes for poor performance of urban local governments, explosion of population and urbanization, century old structures of municipal bodies, absence of any criteria for constituting urban governments, postponement of elections for indefinite periods, misuse of device of cooption, absence of proportional representation system for committees and subcommittees, erosion of powers of municipal bodies, deficiencies in municipal administrative mechanism- financial scracity, excessive state government control, vicious role of political parties, Nagarapalika bill, main provisions of bill, critique of bill
Year: 1993
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