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The economics of development and planning

by Jhingan M.L
Edition statement:26th Ed Published by : Konark Publishers (New Delhi) Physical details: 856p ISBN:81-220-0326-5.
Subject(s): Basic problems : Economics of development, characteristics of an underdeveloped country, obstacles of economic development, factors of economic and non-economic, meaning and characteristics of modern economic growth -- Some theories of economic development : Adam Smith's theory, Ricardian theory, Malthusian theory, Mill's theory, classical theory, Marxian theory, Schumpeterian theory, Keynesian theory, Rostow's stages of economic growth, Gerchenkron's great spurt theory, Nurkse's theory of disguised unemployment as a saving potential, Lewis theory of unlimited supplies of labour, fei-Ranis theory, Jorgenson's neo-classical model of a dual economy, Leibenstein's critical minimum effort thesis, Nelson's low level equilibrium trap, Big push theory, doctrine of balanced growth, unbalance growth, dualistic theories, Myrdal's theory of circular causation -- Some growth models : Harrod-domar model, Kaldor model of distribution, Pasinetti model of profit and growth, Joan Robinson's model of capital accumulation, Meade's neo-classical model of economic growth, Solow model long run growth, Kaldor's model of growth, models of technical change, steady-state growth, Fel'dman model, Mahalanobis model, growth models in Indian planning -- Domestic measures for economic development : role of agriculture and industry, monetary policy, fiscal policy, deficit financing as an instrument, price policy, human capital formation and manpower planning, entrepreneurship, role of state in economic development -- International measures for economic development : Foreign trade, commercial policy, foreign capital and aid, two-gap model and costs-benefits of foreign aid, private foreign investment and multinationals -- Some problems of development planning : Economic planning, shadow prices, project evaluation and cost-benefit analysis, controls under planning, Planning techniques- input-output analysis, linear programming, concept of capital output ration, choice of techniques, investement criteria , economic planning and price mechanism -- Planning in India : Objectives and achievements of Indian plans, strategy of Indian planning, resources mobilization in Indian plans, pattern of investment in Indian plans, agriculture and industrial development and policy under the plan, regional disparities and balanced regional development, poverty in India, unemployment in India, growth of national income, saving and investment, public sector in India, inflationary pressures in Indian economy, foreign trade and balance of payment in India, foreign capital and technology in India, seventh five year plan 1985-90,eighth five year plan
Year: 1966
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