Women in agriculture and development
by Kalbagh Chetana
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Published by :
Discovery Publishing House
(New Delhi)
Physical details: XV, 272p
Women in agriculture in India.
Women in rural development in India.
Women in agriculture.
Women and agrarian struggle, women in agriculture- their conditions of work, rural women's struggles towards self reliance- case study from Punjab, education and research in Enhancing rural women's income and household happiness, technology for reducing drudgery for rural women, women and work in livestock economy
Facilitating women's work through science and technology education in rural India, women agricultural workers of bharatpur district- educational camp, sericulture- employment oriented agro-industry for rural women, technology and extension support for poor rural women- case of Tassar silk rearing, exploitation of women labour/labor employment in Kerala, sathumadurai women's dairy cooperative, decision making of farm women under adverse conditions in Haryana, technological change- labour/labor and women's employment in fishing sector, women's contribution to family income in Puttipadar
Women in silk industry of Bengal, women and Chipko movement
women & agriculture
Year: 1992
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