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Economic development in the third world

by Todaro Michael P
Edition statement:4th ed. Published by : Orient Longman (Hyderabad) Physical details: XXXIII,698p.
Subject(s): Economic policy. -- Modern Economic Growth -- Population -- Unemployment -- Economic principles and concepts -- Development economics and third world nations- global perspective , human resources, common characteristics of developing nations, low level living, sustainable dependence on agricultural production, export, alternative theories and the meaning of development - linear stages theory, structural change models, international dependence revolution, neoclassical counter revolution,underdevelopment and development, historical growth and contemporary development: Kuznet's six characteristics of modern economic growth, capital income and GNP -- Problems and policies - domestic : Growth, poverty and income distribution, population debates, economics of population and development, unemployment - issues , dimensions and analyses, urbanization and rural-urban migration- theory and policy, agriculture transformation and rural development, education and development -- Problems and policies - international : Trade theory and development experiences, balance of payments, international financeand third world debt crisis, trade policy debate- export promotion, import substitution and economic integration, direct foreign investment and foreign aid- controversies and opportunities -- Possibilities and prospects : Development planning- theory and practice, monetary and fiscal policy-role and limitations of the state, global economic issues in 1990s- energy and resource balances, Africa's downward spiral, debt crisis and international economic order
Year: 1991
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