Management of Municipal Solid Waste
by Ramachandra T. V.
Series: Environmental Engineering Series Published by : TERI Press (New Delhi) Physical details: 321 p. ISBN:978-81-7993-187-5.
Recycling (Waste, etc.)
Waste disposal
Waste processing
Sanitary landfills
Integrated waste management
Introducing municipal solid waste management : ESSWM and EST, waste generation aspects, waste atream assessment, waste generation and composition, waste characteristics, health and environmental effects, status of waste generation in Bangalore
Waste collection, storage and transport : Collection components, storage, collection operation, transfer station, waste collection system design, monitoring, implementing collection and transfer system
Waste disposal : Key issues in waste disposal, sanitary landfill, landfill gas emission, leachate formation, environmental effects of landfill, landfill operation issues, waste disposal
Waste processing techniques : Mechanical volume and size reduction, component separation, drying and dewatering
Source reduction, product recovery and recycling : Significance of recycling, planning of a recycling program, recycling program elements, material recovery facilities, commonly recycled materials and processes, source reduction and recycling in Bangalore
Recovery of biological conversion products - compost and biogas : Biogasification
Incineration and energy recovery : Incineration, planning incineration facilities, refuse derived fuel system, energy recovery, air emission and its control, environmental concerns
Hazardous waste- management and treatment : identification and classification, management, waste treatment, pollution prevention and waste minimization, hazardous wastes management in India
Integrated waste management (IWM) : Basic of IWM, life cycle assessment, public education and involvement
Year: 2006
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