Environment and Sustainable development :a Geographical Appraisal
by Sahdev,Seema (ed.) | Manish Kumar(ed.)
Published by : Concept Publishing Company (New Delhi) Physical details: 324 p. ISBN:93-5125-189-6.
resources Depletion
Environmental Ethics
spatial Information Technologies
Resources depletion and its appraisal : Water resources potentiality, problems and its management, biomedical waste in Delhi, society, religion and bio diversity conservation in India with special reference to sacred plants, iconic saree weaving cluster of India- case study of saree weaving settlements of Banaras, conservation of endangered and economically important medicinal plants of India, economic development in Bihar and conventional fuel use, allied activities and agricultural patterns of west Bengal, impact of quarrying on public health in Bihar
Environmental ethics and sustainability : Cosmology and environmental ethics and ancient Indian Geographical thought, environmental ethics and resources depletion, environmental mortality and sustainable development, environment and community resilience, impact of environmental regulations on climate change, dimensions of sustainable development, environmental education, environmental issues in development in Himachal Himalayas, women as environmental managers for sustainability, environmental education as a driver for sustainable development goals
Spatial information technologies in environmental management : Modelling an monitoring of changing green space- national capital territory of Delhi, landslide hazard zonation mapping for sustainable development of hilly region using geospatial techniques in Uttarakhand, role of UBUNTU and QGIS in application of remote sensing and GIS in geographical studies, global environmental changes and Indian ocean dipole, model of sustainable agriculture and environmental protection for an agriculturally rich district of Punjab, socio-economic impact assessment of corridor development along Delhi Agra axis
Year: 2018
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