Panjayathiraj in Assam:Main features
Published by : State Institute of rural development (Guwahati)
Role of Panchayath in HR Development
Strengthening of PRI, 73rd amendment act 1992, evolution of Panchayati raj in Assam, Assam panchayat act 1994, functions of panchayati raj bodies, standing committee, gram sabha, powers of state government in matters relating to panchayats, district planning committee, stat panchayat election commission, state panchayat finance commission, no confidence motion, allocation of resources among three tires of panchayats, role of panchayats in human resource development, role of panchayats in social mobilization and participation for development, panchayati raj system and micro level planning, devolution of power to PRIs in Assam, subjects under eleventh schedule
Year: 2007
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