Rural transformation: Readings
Published by : National Institute of Rural Development (Hyderabad) Physical details: 632p.
Rural electrification
Human Development
Rural reconstruction
Policy Frame : Development with Social Justice, Rural problems, Panchayati Raj, Human Development, Rural Poverty
Processe : Voluntary Organisations and Rural Transformation, Involvement of People in Development Process, Information Flow for Rural Change, Technical Inputs to Increase agricultural output, Planning and Management of Rural Environment,
Programmes : Small Livestock and Poverty Alleviation, Dryland Farming, land Reforms, Semi-Arid Tropics of India, Rural Electrification, Rural Reconstruction,Programmes for Youth and Children
Administrative and Other Supportive Services : Administrative Adaptation for Rural development, Social Research, Data base for Rural Development, Delivery System for Rural Development, marketing of Rural Products, IRDP, Draught Animal Power system in India, Social Audit of Rural Development Project
Year: 1984