Sambathika Avalokanam 2017 ; VOL 2
by Samsthana Aasoothrana Board
, സാമ്പത്തിക അവലോകനം - 2017, VOL-2 Published by : Samsthana Aasoothrana Board ( Thiruvananthapuram) Physical details: 437p
BANKS - Co Operative society
Socio-economic aspects India and kerala
National income, Sex ration, Production rates, Price expenditure and revenue, Consumer price, Agriculture products, Public distribution system, livestock , fisheries,water authority, Forest, Kerala hand loom and handicrafts, Coir industry in kerala, Technopark, Cuber park,Kerala tourism, Education in Kerala, Scheduled caste and scheduled tribe, Health care in Kerala, Employment in Kerala, local governance
Year: 2018