Public affairs and administration : concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications
by Global IGI
Physical details: 2307p ISBN:978-1-4666-8358-7.
Public administration.
Organizational change.
Civic activism
Managerial impacts : E-government innovations and work transformation - implications f introduction of electronic tools in public government organizations, building sound foundations for smart city government in Germany, social media and e-participation - challenges of social media for managing public projects, cultural policy- administration and info communication landscape- cultural management model, info-communication cultural management (ICCM), spatial analysis of male and female unemployment in the USA
Critical issues : Understanding e-governance, evolving local e-government - a cohesive policy approach, influential Greek political blogs, realizing e-government- delineating implementation challenges and defining success, toward a theory of e-government interorganizational collaboration- generic structure for cross boundary requirements analysis, e-government in Australia - usability study of Australian city council websites
Town a multi-agent-based tool for analysis of the social production and management process in urban ecosystem- an approach of the social production and management processes in an urban ecosystem- an approach based on integration of organizational, regulatory, communication and physical artifacts in JaCaMo framework, behavioral intention towards e-government in Malaysia- structural equation modeling, evaluating the validity of IS success models for electronic government research- a empirical test and integrated model, electronic medical records and public perceptions- deliberative process, comparative study of governmental one step portals for public service delivery, implementation of e-government and reforms in public administrations in crisis periods
E-government portals evaluation- comparative analysis, arts as public service- critical analysis exploring the relationship between the arts and wellbeing, Europe wide web- political parties website in 2009 European parliament elections, towards public service and process integration- domain specific modeling approach, anti-corruption capabilities of public procurement technologies- principal- agent theory, new media in process of shaping local democracy in Poland
Emerging trends : E-government, M-government, L-government- exploring future ICT applications in public administration,community driven health impact assessment- promising PATH for promoting community learning and social responsibility for health, identity in a technological society- government implications, new questions for e-government, new professions, new opportunities- collection development in support of interdisciplinary programs, new interdisciplinary fields of public policy engineering ad computational public policy, new interdisciplinary field of political engineering and computational politics, rationale behind implementation of new electronic tools for electronic public procurement, potential for ICT tools to promote public participation in fighting corruption
Year: 2015
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