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Developments in social impact assessment

by Elgar mini series
Published by : Edward Elgar, (Cheltenham) Physical details: 818p ISBN:978-1-78254-719-8.
Subject(s): Evaluation research Social action programs -- Evaluation -- Current overview of SIA : Social impact assessment, effectiveness in social impact assessment - aboriginal people's and resource development in Australia, SIA in review- setting agenda for impact assessment in 21st century, triple bottom line and impact assessment how do TBL,EIA, SIA, SEA and EMS related to each others, potential application of social impact assessment in integrated coastal zone management -- Guidelines and principles : International principles for social impact assessment- their evolution, comparison between international and US documents -- Ethics and values : Importance of process in social impact assessment- ethics, place and environment, anthropologists and social impact assessment- negotiating the ethical minefield, sociology and environmental impact assessment -- Understanding social impacts : Function evaluation as a framework for the integration of social and environmental impact assessment, conceptualizing social impacts, assessing social impacts of extensive resources use activities -- Theoretical framework : Theory and method in social impact assessment, conceptual frameworks for SIA revisited - cumulative effects study on lead contamination and economic change, importance of theory in shaping social impact monitoring in south Africa, deliberation and actor networks- practical implications of social theory for assessment of large dams and other interventions -- SIA in practice : Public participation and environmental impact assessment- public policy making, scial development needs analysis as a tool for SIA to guide corporate community investment - applications in minerals industry, enhancing the benefits of local content- integrating social and economic impact assessment into procurement strategies, buy-in and social capital- by products of social impact assessment -- Various issues of interest : Human rights and impact assessment, indigenous peoples and concept of free, prior and informed consent, making social impact assessment count- negotiation based approach for indigenous peoples, implications for community sustainability , coal mining and resource community cycle, longitudinal assessment of the social impacts of the Coppabella coal mines, managing cumulative impacts of coal mining on regional communities and environments in Australia, brining social analysis into a multilateral environmental agreement- social impact assessment and biosafety protocol, environmental conflict addressed by SIA -- Case studies of SIA around the world : Social transformation in China and development in social assessment, evaluating the use of social impact assessment in context of agricultural development projects in Iran, assessing the performance of SIA in EIA context in south Africa, social impacts of large dam projects- comparison of international case studies and implications for best practice -- Historical significant documents : Cultural, social and psychological considerations in planning of public works, social impact assessment- state of the art, social impact statement- tenative methodology, role of social impact assessment in highway planning, social impact assessment of regional plans- review of methods and issues and recommended process, getting social impact assessment into the policy arena, History and trends in SIA, opportunity-threat, development and adaptation- towards a comprehensive framework for social impact assessment, SIA to empower communities, SIA- personal review of field of social impact assessment- feasibility, justification, history, methods, issues, social impact assessment-contribution to state of the art series
Year: 2014
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