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Peasant poverty and persistence in the twenty-first century : theories, debates, realities and policies

by Boltvinik Julio | Mann Susan Archer
Series: CROP international studies in poverty research. Published by : Zed Books ( London ) Physical details: 456p ISBN:978-1-78360-844-7.
Subject(s): Peasants in Economic conditions in 21st century.. -- Peasants in Social conditions in 21st century -- Rural poor. -- Peasant labour -- Poverty and low reliability of rural poverty data, History of peasants study, Conceptualising the peasantry or the awkward class -- Theoretical perspectives on peasant poverty and persistence -- Poverty and persistence of the peasantry, , Agricultural capitalism, Agricultural production, Industrial production, Rural poverty, Djurfeldt's virtual debate with Kautsky Agricultural seasonality and peasant survival, Marx and his vision of agriculture, Marx's theory of value disregards discontinuous labour processes, General theory of value, Subsidies and poverty in peasant economies -- Theory of contemporary peasantry : Peasants and technology, Peasants and economy, , peasants in development model , Bimodal agriculture -- Labour power its reproduction and the persistence of peasant poverty : Boltvink's analysis of peasant poverty, , Domestic labour, Women and global development, Impure capitalism and its peculiar forms of production, Informal sector and global poverty, Farm subsides -- Baroque modernity and peasant poverty in the twenty-first century: Epochal crisis of capitalism, Brutal overexploitation, Non-specific formal subsumption of peasant labour by capital -- Agriculture/industry,rural/urban. peasants/workers- Some reflection on poverty, persistence and change: Boltvink's argument, Agriculture and industry , rural and urban -- Employment and rural poverty in Mexico: Demographic aspects of the rural population, labour intensity and multi-activity, Working condition of the rural population -- Environment, Food crisis and peasants: Persistence of the peasantry in capitalism to the environmentalism of indigenous people and the sustainability , Seasonality of labour and the historicity of Marxism, Eco-Marxism to political ecology and environmental rationality, Peasants persistence in a political ecology perspective -- Southern American peasants and poor farmers facing global environmental change: Agricultural production in three dryland river basins, Hydraulic society, Global environmental change, Water, poverty, food sovereignty and territorial rights of peasants, Pro peasant adaptation to climate change -- Financialisation of the food sector and peasants persistence : Food Tsunami, Food crisis, Family farming -- Policy self reliance and peasant poverty : Rise and fall of the agrarian welfare state, Globalization, Globalisation, Privatisation of development,Colonialism as an agrarian welfare regime, Agrarian welfare state -- Overcoming rural poverty from the bottom up: Degrowth, Good living, Operationalisation, Communality, Implementing alternative societies -- Dialogues and debates on peasant poverty and persistence around the background paper and beyond
Year: 2016
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