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Certification programme in urban management India : 2006, Phase-I : Change management, municipal finance and service delivery

by Administrative Staff College of India
Subject(s): Sanitation and panchayats in infrastructure : Sanitation and water supply, total sanitation campaign- changing the face of rural burdwan, rural infrastructure and panchayats- report from west Bengal -- Water audit, conducting water audit, leakage control in distribution systems and its managements -- Achieving continuous water supply- case of Ramagundam, civic amenities in urban areas, solid waste management, urban transport -- Meeting sanitation and hygiene challenge- experience of WaterAid in India, urban sanitation programs, low cost sanitation and liberation of scavengers, city wide universal sanitation- challenges and strategies, innovative approaches to sanitation for urban poor communities, slum sanitation in Pune, innovative experiences in public private partnerships in enviornmental sanitation and impact on poor- case study of sulabh international India, India's first 100 per cent sanitized slum in Tiruchirappalli, urban policies and planning for sustainability in municipal solid waste management- broad perspective, Nashik municipal corporation, municipal corporation of Hyderabad -- Enviornmental management and people's participation innovations by Tirunelveli city municipal corporation, new approach in solid waste management- Surat municipal corporation, community and private sector participation in solid waste management in Hyderabad municipal corporation -- Change management : Management development, human resource development training methods, organizational culture and corruption, methods to use to improv institutions, ten functions of a manager, -- Hyderabad metropolitan water supply and sewerage board, citizen relationship management, quality of customer service, marketing water quality- asking customers what they are prepared to pay for improvements in quality, total customer satisfaction process, report card on public services in Hyderabad, bridging digital divide in urban area- case study of Vijayawada municipal corporation, knowing and understanding your customers
Year: 2006
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