Restructuring welfare governance :
Published by : Edward Elgar (UK) Physical details: xvi, 320 pages ; ISBN:9781783475766 (hbk.).
Public welfare administration
Public welfare
Marketization and managerialization of welfare governance : Marketization and mangerialization of health care policies in Europe in comparative perspective, marketization and managerialization of long term care policies in a comparative perspective, marketization and managerialization of higher education polices in comparative perspective, marketization and managerialization of education policies in a comparative perspective, marketization and managerialization of active labor market policies in a comparative perspective
New governance and professionalism reforming human resource management : New governance and professionalism, self governance and knowledge power bonds in professionalism - case studies from the health care sector in Germany, de-professionalization through managerialization in labor market policy- lessons from the Danish experience, new public management as de-professionalization- conceptual reflections with some applications to school teachers, reforming school leadership from primus inter pares to managers, higher education professionalism facing managerialism- quantitative international comparisons, interactions of governance and professionalism in higher education- qualitative longitudinal study in Netherlands, Sweden and United Kingdom
Year: 2015
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"All the chapters in this edited volume were initially prepared for an international conference on the Changes in the Public Administration and the Welfare State--Comparative Analyses, held at the University of Potsdam in December 2012."--Page xvi.