State and local financial instruments :
by Johnson, Craig L. (Craig Lawrence)
Series: Studies in fiscal federalism and state-local finance Published by : Edward Elgar (UK) Physical details: viii, 274 pages : illustrations ; ISBN:9781783476169 .
Municipal bonds
State bonds
What makes the Muni market different : Tax exemption of municipal debt, states as fiscal sovereigns- implications for ability and willingness to pay in full and on time, federalist framework- fiscal sovereignty, federal regulation and disclosure
Creating debt instruments for the municipal market : Subnational government debt financial management I - financing principles and policies, subnational government debt financial management II - brining an issue to market- networks and practices, serial debt issue structure, secondary market disclosure
Financial structure and the risk/ reward trade off : Financial engineering, reducing debt services by refunding debt, lessons learned from the birth, growth and collapse of the municipal auction rate securities (MARS) market, enhancing municipal credit, non-traditional capital financing mechanisms
Year: 2014
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