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Co-operative rural development in India;

by Tayde,Prakash M
Published by : Chandralok Prakashan (Kanpur) Physical details: iv, viii, 152 p. plan. ISBN:9789384247652.
Subject(s): Agriculture, Cooperative -- Cooperative credit movement in India : History, Pre and post independence, achievements and economic benefits, short , medium and long term finance, governing and management of cooperatives, reason for deterioration in the cooperative banking system, solutions to problems -- Rural development strategy : employment, quality of life, nation building, integrated rural development programme (IRBD) -- Land reforms and rural development programmes : Abolition of intermediaries, tenancy reforms, ceiling on land holdings, land ceiling, updating land records, land tenure in pre independence India, Zaminidari system, makalwari system, ryotwari system, land reforms in post liberalisation, distribution of ceiling surplus land, tribal land, degraded waste land, integrated wasteland development program (Iwdp) watershed, integrated wastelands development project (IWDP), watershed development -- Approaches to rural development in India : Gandhian approach of rural development, self sufficiency, industrialisation, trusteeship, integrated rural development approaches -- Evolution of the cooperative movement : From 1900-1990, history, cooperative movements in India, economy, multi purpose and credit societies, urban cooperatives, lack of funds, non-credit approaches, problems faced by the cooperatives in India -- Performance of rural cooperative credit institutions : cooperative credit movements over the years, cooperative credit institutions, health of rural credit cooperatives, need for revival of the cooperative credit institutions, reform process, task force, micro finance, SHG, Vaidyanathan committee revival packages, PACS and other primary cooperatives as business correspondents, risk-mitigation setting up for credit guarantee funds, agriculture credit, interest rate policies, inadequate internal control and audit, cooperative credit institutions, licensing of rural cooperative banks, state cooperative banks -- Role of cooperatives in rural development : consumer cooperativeness, sugar cooperatives -- Co-operative farming in India :Better farming societies, tenant farming, joint farming societies, co-operative collective farming societies, climate effects, irrigation, shifting cultivation, commercial agriculture, ley farming, plantation farming, crop rotation, dairy farming -- Credit co-operatives in India's rural economy : rural credit cooperatives, state control, vaidyananthan panel, self-help movement, government in credit cooperative movement, financial inclusion -- Agricultural credit co-operatives : Agricultural taxation, agriculture credit, CCS, rural cooperative credit institutions, regional rural banks (RRBs), micro- finance institutions (MFIs), rural credit structure, agriculture non-credit societies, cooperative agricultural credit institutions, central cooperative banks - CCB, primary agriculture credit societies - PACS, food security -- Rural cooperative marketing management : Agri-marketing, commodity specialized markets,cooperative marketing,major losers in agricultural marketing, Trends in markets on line rural market - internet, NICNET, cost benefit analysis of this sector, agro-processing industry, kisan mandi, cooperative management, career options -- Dairy development through cooperative structure : rural producers cooperatives, dairy cooperatives in Asian countries, women dairy cooperatives, milk production activities, social empowerment, economic, political and social empowerment -- Role of commercial banks in rural development : Co-operative banks, regional rural banks (RRB), banks and rural developments, commercial banks, non-scheduled banks
Year: 2015
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