Oxford handbook of social work in health and aging
Edition statement:Second Edition. Published by : Oxford University Press (New York) Physical details: xxvii, 710 pages : illustrations ; ISBN:9780199336951 .
Social work with older people
Medical social work
Health Services for the Aged.
Community Health Services.
Social Work
Social work practice in health and aging : Assessments and interventions, comprehensive biopsychosocial assessments- foundation of social work practice with older adults, standardized assessments and measures in geriatric practice, cognitive - behavioral interventions, family and group interventions, role of reminiscence and life review in health aging, strengths- based and solution focused practice with older adults, spirituality in professional practice with older adults, approaches to empowering individuals and communities
Social work practice in community : Service and settings inspired by affordable care act, generalized and specialized hospitals, home care settings, department of public welfare/ social services, community mental health centers, senior centers, health maintenance organizations, managed care and affordable care act, social service and health planning agencies
Social services available through community settings : Case managaement service, geriati care management, counseling, treatment and support services, age friendly community initiatives, housing, health and quality of life
Social work practice in long term residential care : Social work perspective on history and future of residential care, assisted living settings, nursing homes, long term care ombudsman program, cultural change in long term care, long term care in veterans administration
Populations social workers serve in health and aging
Older adults with chronic physical conditions : Older adults with age related sensory loss, musculoskeletal health and functional capabilities in older adults, aging and functional disability, older adults with cancer, older adults with cardiovascular disease, social work practice with older adults to prevent and control diabetes and complications, older adults with HIV/AIDS
Older adults with mental health conditions : Older adults with dementia, mental health disorders in later life, older adults with substance/ alcohol abuse problem, older adults who hoard
Special older adult population : New paradigms of paid and unpaid work- employment and voluntarism for older adults in 21st century, caregiver to older and disabled adults, crisis of aging people in prison- forging a social work response to social determinants of health an justice, impoverished and homeless older adults, mistreated and neglected older adults, older adults with intellectual and development disabilities
Older adults from diverse culture : Older -African Americans and other black population, Asian Americans, social work practice with older Latinos in US- mental health perspective, American Indian/Alaska native elders, social work practice with older adults in other minority groups, social work with Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older adults, older immigrants and refugees, global ageing in twenty first century
Older adults in palliative and end of life care : Social work practice in palliative and end of life care, history and development of end of life care, providing service at end of life - focusing on psychosocial aspects of dying
Policies and regulations and health and aging : Private retirement ad social security programs, policies affecting health, mental health and care giving, policies affecting community based social services, housing an transportation, policies housing and transportation, policies related to competency and proxy issues, policies to protect the rights of older adults and support family caregivers
Year: 2016
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Revised edition of Handbook of social work in health and aging, 2006.