Poverty and development planning in India
by Datta, K. L
Published by : Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd. (New Delhi) Physical details: xxxviii, 518 p ISBN:93-5125-000-8.
Economic assistance
Economic policy
Government policy
Rural development projects
Planning process and poverty : Planning strategy, inclusive growth- income and poverty, education, health, skill development, employment guarantee, women and children issues, role of state , poverty and livelihood security
Methodology of poverty measurement : poverty estimates using working group poverty line , task force 1979-Alagh, expert group 1993- Lakdawala- national, rural and urban poverty line, expert group 2009- Tendulkar, poverty estimates by Deaton, Deaton's updation of poverty line for price inflation, URP based poverty line into MRP based, higher poverty line of expert group 2009, adequacy of health and educational expenditure, bestowing urban living standard on rural poor, re-estimation of poverty line, planning commission verdict , issues in poverty estimation, measurement of poverty and deprivation , empirics of IPD, urban centers of CPIIW
Poverty levels and change : Poverty estimates at national level, state-specific poverty ratio, poverty in categories of states, poverty reduction- five poor v/s four southern states, correlates of poverty, incidence of hunger, annual estimates of poverty, poverty estimates by world bank
Debate on poverty estimates of 1999-2000 : NSS experiment with recall period, poverty estimates by Angus Deaton, poverty estimates by Sundaram-Tendulkar , poverty estimates by Sen-Himanshu, poverty ratio and number of poor, impact of contamination and recall period on poverty, poverty reduction in 1990
Consumption and poverty by class : Consumption and poverty by occupation, consumption and poverty by social group, poverty by occupation and social groups, land and rural poverty, consumption and poverty by religious groups
Consumption, inequality and poverty at regional level : Consumption in regions, inequality in regions, poverty in regions, depth and severity of poverty in regions
Food as antidote to poverty : Share of food in total consumption, cereal consumption, planning for food security, contours of food security
Anti poverty program in rural areas : Land reforms, community development projects, poverty alleviation programs, asset generation programs, wage employment program Mahatma Gandhi national rural employment guarantee act- MGNREGA, operation Barga in west Bengal
Poverty alleviation- case study of Bijnor district in UP : Location and administrative set-up, district profile- Bijnor, socio-economic survey in Bijnor, Asset generation program- Swarnjayanti gram swarozgar yojana SGSY, wage employment program- Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana, housing and welfare program
Identification of poor and flow of funds : BPL census in 1992,1997, 2002, identification of poor in rural areas, towards BPL census for eleventh plan, Saxena expert group, socio economic pilot survey, BPL census 2011, allocation of funds for anti poverty programs f
Growth and poverty in two decades in economic reform: Consumption - 1993-94 to 2011-12, Urban rural disparity, poverty -1993-94 to 2011-12, poverty in democratic polity, price correction of poverty line
Year: 2014
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