Co-operatives and rural development in India
by Suresh K.A;
Additional authors:
Joseph Molly
Published by :
Ashish Publishing House
(New Delhi)
Physical details: 193p
Cooperative Marketing
Rural Eletrification
Rural development : Community development programmes, Small farmers developemnt agency, Drought prone area programme, national rural employment programme, Rural landless programme, Training of rural youth for self employment, Development of women and children in rural area, Integrated child development services projects, Minimum needs programme, Integrated rural development programme
Developmental role of co-operatives : Role assigned by government, NCUI model for RD
Co-operatives in India : Histiry, Cooperatives under plans, Types of cooperatives, major problems of cooperatives
Impact- case studies : Kerala economy ,Composition of cooperatives, Credit structure,Determinants f role performance
Cooperative experience : present role of cooperatives, Cooperative efforts
Year: 1990