Innovative approaches to housing the poor: Role of voluntary agencies - a success story (India)
by Poulose Thomas K
Published by : C. Mathews (Trivandrum) Physical details: XXVIII,280p.
Low-income housing
Non-governmental organizations, NGOs
Origin and growth of human settlements : Self help and mutual help, organization and housing shortages, living environment, housing demand, impact of science and technology
Minimum needs for human settlements, housing situation in India, housing investments in five year plans
IYSH- Indian panorama : Demonstration projects, DDA scheme, national housing policy, land policy, NGO participation, few critical remarks, national housing banks
Cost reduction in housing development : Magnitude of the housing problem, cost reduction in all components of housing, improved building materials, attempt to thwart low cost construction, need for extension work, low cost v/s quality and durability, role of private developers, Laurie baker the architect of poor
Problem of land : land symbol of wealth, profiteering in land, progressive land policyrationing in land market, Ebenezer Howard and urban land policies, land re-adjustment techniques
Voluntary agencies in India : Growth and type of voluntary agencies, NGOs and five year plans, CSWB- Palai housing aid society, ASAG, MPRMS
Profile of Kerala : Land and people, physiography, climate, demography, settlement pattern, land utilization, economic growth, PQLI, land reforms, consumption of electricity, water supply, sanitary latrines, transport and communication, urbanization trends, rural urban continuum, conversion of agricultural land for higher uses
Housing in Kerala : Housing stock and shortage, housing conditions, urban housing, housing supply, housing agencies, income levels of households- slums in Kerala
Case studies of shelter projects : Importance of aided self help in housing, findings and recommendations
One lakh houses scheme : Type design and layout, land acquisition, selection of beneficiaries, funding the project, evaluation of scheme, finding and recommendations of committee
Innovative approaches to shelter problems : Seminar on low coast housing, type designs, training programs, cost details, eligibility for loan, land for houses, selection of voluntary agencies, joint accounts, loan distribution meals, new role of Kerala state housing board, stage certificates made easy availability of building materials guaranteed, Nirmithi Kendras, problem of cost recovery, aided self help and community participation, evaluation of SASH housing scheme, rehabilitation housing scheme, evaluation of RHS, IYSH initiatives of Kerala, integrated shelter projects, public awareness programs
Cost recovery : Assessment of affordability willingness to repay- special staff for recovery
Organization for housing through NGOs : Organizational set up suggested, COSTFORD
population explosion, manpower planning
Year: 1988
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