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Strategies of rural development in India: Planning and growth performance

by Pande G.C
Published by : Anmol Publications (New Delhi) Physical details: 316p ISBN:81-7041-164-5.
Subject(s): Rural Development -- Rural Planning -- Population growth and performance of agriculture in India, Food production in India, Food output in India, Food imports -- Rural Indian crude participation rates of male and female workers, State wise crude worker-ates in rural India, Age specific work participation of rural population, State wise male and female workers ratio national sample surveys and census of 1971-81, Agricultural workers as percent of total rural male workers in state wise figures of census, State wise cultivators and agro-labour in work force of India, Occupational shift in rural population Percentage , Casual labour in Indian rural labour force, Average labour productivity in rural holdings of Kerala -- Indian rural population under poverty line, Poverty ridden rural population -- Projections of rural labour force in India, Ruralite households willing to take up work within and outside their village, Annual employment days of agricultural labourers in India -- Cultivators and agro-labours in India, Poverty line , Distribution of household consumption expenditure in rural India, Outlay in minimum needs programme in India, Enrolment of children during sixth, seventh and projections of eighth plans, State wise target Enrolments in schools, Educational outlay in 7th plan, Outlay on telemetry and adult education in 7th plan -- Health programmes, Health enterers, Population control, Housing, Nutrition programme, Financial allocations on minimum needs of rural India -- Social forestry in India, Value of manufactures and extent of employment in Small units, Small sector industries in India, Traditional small and village industries of India, Production, employment and export target of village and small sector, Outlay on development of village and small scale sector -- Irrigation and agriculture sector,Inter group in equity in credit supply, Growth of loaning and other activities under co-operative fold in rural areas, Outlay on cooperative sector by central government, State and union territories , Cooperative activities in seventh five year plan, State wise Break-up of outlay on cooperation -- Afforestation , Growth of Yield of crops in India, Crop wise production targets, Domestic demand for cotton in India, Cotton production, Sugarcane production -- Horticulture crops, Average nutrition per capita in India, Caloric intake of school children in India, Diets for mothers in India, Nutrition levels in developed and developing countries, Rural infant mortality rates, Expectation of life in developing and developed countries, Educational level wise participation rural women in labour force, Employment of women in occupations of organised sector -- resource allocation index for local planning in Maharastra
Year: 1989
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