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An economist in the real world : the art of policymaking in India

by Basu, Kaushik
Published by : Penguin Group (Haryana) Physical details: 240p. ISBN:978-0-670-08875-1.
Subject(s): Economic development -- Economic policy -- Economists -- Employees -- Globalisation -- Politics and government -- Arriving in Lutyen's Delhi: Extended Sen rule -- Indian's growth stroy: stagnation, crisis and the takeoff, Delhi school of economics, Intellectual roots of the economy, Crisis and opportunity, Growth, Global financial crisis and its fallout -- Inflation: Emperor of economic maladies -- Deflation, Inflation in Indian and the world, Interest rates and liquidity, poor and inflation, salad bowl stagflation -- Fiscal and other macroeconomic polices for an emerging economy -- Repo mishap, Fiscal policy in the emerging economy, Infrastructural investment and government grantees, Exchange rate management, managing and predicting marco parameters -- Globalization and the challenges of development : Industrialized nations, Poverty prosperity and policy, Inequity and taxation, -- Food and poverty : Food buffers, India's food grain market: description , Theory of food market intervention, Redesigning Indian's food grain policy: price stabilization, food security for the vulnerable -- Nuts and bolts of the economy: O rings, Contracts and Pareto, Finance and development , Ponizs -- Low of economics : Corruption and the law, Law's responsibility, law as focal point , postscript -- Social and organizational foundations of economic development: Critical flaw, Teacher absenteeism in India, Sociology of Bureaucracy -- Higher education, Invisible hand markets and interventions, development
Year: 2016
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