An economist in the real world : the art of policymaking in India
by Basu, Kaushik
Published by : Penguin Group (Haryana) Physical details: 240p. ISBN:978-0-670-08875-1.
Economic development
Economic policy
Politics and government
Arriving in Lutyen's Delhi: Extended Sen rule
Indian's growth stroy: stagnation, crisis and the takeoff, Delhi school of economics, Intellectual roots of the economy, Crisis and opportunity, Growth, Global financial crisis and its fallout
Inflation: Emperor of economic maladies
Deflation, Inflation in Indian and the world, Interest rates and liquidity, poor and inflation, salad bowl stagflation
Fiscal and other macroeconomic polices for an emerging economy
Repo mishap, Fiscal policy in the emerging economy, Infrastructural investment and government grantees, Exchange rate management, managing and predicting marco parameters
Globalization and the challenges of development : Industrialized nations, Poverty prosperity and policy, Inequity and taxation,
Food and poverty : Food buffers, India's food grain market: description , Theory of food market intervention, Redesigning Indian's food grain policy: price stabilization, food security for the vulnerable
Nuts and bolts of the economy: O rings, Contracts and Pareto, Finance and development , Ponizs
Low of economics : Corruption and the law, Law's responsibility, law as focal point , postscript
Social and organizational foundations of economic development: Critical flaw, Teacher absenteeism in India, Sociology of Bureaucracy
Higher education, Invisible hand markets and interventions, development
Year: 2016