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The Kerala municipal corporations act, 1961: Act 30 of 1961

Physical details: 214p
Subject(s): Kerala municipal corporations act 1961, constitutional and government of corporation, municipal authorities, composition of the corporation, commissioner, standing committees, council, provisions common to council and standing committee, mayor, deputy mayor, administrative report, powers of government -- Election of councilors , qualification and disqualification of voters candidates and councilors, electoral offences, oath of office, general rules of election -- General powers of municipal authorities as to property contracts and establishment, property, contracts, establishment -- Taxation and finance: Taxation, enumeration of taxes, property tax, profession tax, tax on animals, vessels and vehicles, show tax, tax on timber, tax on advertisements, duty of transfer of property, general provision -- Finance : Municipal fund, loans, budget -- Public health, safety and conveniences : Water supply, lighting and drainage, public water supply, private water supply, private water supply for non-domestic purpose, provision of fire hydrants, supply in special cases, cutting off water supply, lighting, public drainage, private drainage, public latrines, private latrines, general powers -- Scavenging, streets- public streets, private streets, encroachments on streets, naming streets and numbering buildings -- Building regulations : General powers, buildings other than huts, wells, huts, external walls, alternations and additions, power of commissioner, exemptions -- Nuisances : Dangerous structures, tree and places, control over waters, control over abandoned lands, untrimmed hedges, control over insanitary buildings -- License and fees : General provisions as to licenses, lodging houses, keeping of animals and birds, landing places, cart-stands, carcasses of animals, industries and factories, washing and bathing, slaughter houses, milk trade, market's butcher's shops, inspection of places for sale, disposal of the dead -- Vital statistics and prevention of disease : Vital statistics, dangerous diseases, prevention of infection, small box -- Subsidiary legislation and penalties : Rules, bye-laws and regulations, rules and schedules, bye laws, rules in lieu of bye-laws, publication of rules , bye laws and regulations -- Penalties -- Procedure and miscellaneous : license and permissions, appeals, power to summon, procedure,relation of occupier to owner, commissioner's power of entry and inspection, power to enforce licensing provisions, commissioners power to execute in default, payment of compensation, etc., and to the corporation, provisions regarding municipal prosecutions, legal proceedings in general, protection clauses, police, miscellaneous, transitional and transitory provisions, special provisions relating to city of Trivandrum, special provisions relating to new corporations
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