Water resource planning and management
by Sharma V.K
Published by : Himalaya Publishing House (Bombay) Physical details: VIII, 234p
Water in natural resource and its importance, water resource economics, scope of resource economics, Quantitative techniques of water resource planning and management, linear programming, mechanism of simplex method, dynamic programming, benefit-cost analysis
Water resource in India, physiographic features in India, river system, Indus river system, Ganga river system, Brahmaputra river system, Deccan river system, coastal river system
Water resources development and its utilisation : Water resource development for irrigation, major and medium projects, water for power generation, water resource development for navigation and other use of water
demand for and supply of water , Demand for irrigation water for food grain production, supply of water, equilibrium price and quantity of irrigation, demand of water factors affecting supply of water
management of water resources, Management of surface water, optimisation of irrigation schedule for a reservoir system, cropping pattern, distribution of irrigation water on farms
Ground water management , water allocation optimisation in a state tube well command area, operation research to increase irrigation water efficiency, economic analysis of tube well irrigation, optimum crop plans for command areas of different types of tube wells, conjunctive use of water
Water resource conservation , economic aspects and problems of conservation of water
Water resource planning, policy and administration, sound water planning, institutions involved in planning and policy making for water use, water resources policy in India, national perspective for water resources development , policy problems
Year: 1985
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