Adhikara Vikendrikaranam: T.A.G. Pravarthanavumayi Bandappetta Surkar Uttaravukalum Circularukalum
, അധികാര വികേന്ദ്രികരണം : ടി .എ .ജി . പ്രവർത്തനവുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട സർക്കാർ ഉത്തരവുകളും സർക്കുലറുകളും Published by : KILA ( Thrissur ) Physical details: 245p.
Local Administration
Finance commission
Govt.orders and circullars
Government orders and circulars issues related to decentralization and T.N.G activities - local governance
Guidelines for the preparation of annual plan 2007-08and XI th five year plan
protection for differently abled, food security, fisheries, HIV and aides patients welfare, education, utilization of maintenance grant (non-road) additions of newly suggested works/items
Guidelines for subsidy and related matters in respect of XI th five year plan, welfare of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe, guidelines for the procurement of goods and services in local self governments in Kerala, EMS housing project
Year: 2011
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Reference | KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY Documentation Centre | 352.642 ADH MAY 2011 (Browse shelf) | Not for loan | 011688 | |
Books | KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY General Stacks | 352.642 ADH (Browse shelf) | Available | 011689 | |
Books | KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY Documentation Centre | 352.642 ADH MAY 2011 (Browse shelf) | Available | 011690 |