Financial Decentralization, Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and Rural Development in India
by Khan, Mohd. Azam
Additional authors:
Alam, Tosib
Published by :
New Century Publications
( New Delhi, India )
Physical details: xv, 169 p
Local finance in India. .
Panchayat in India in Finance.
Rural development in India.
Trends towards decentralization- global and Indian experience : Scope of decentralization, decentralization in India, constitutional status to panchayats, main features of constitution 73rd act
Inter-government financial transfers in India : Fiscal federalism, federal constitution of India, fiscal federalism in India- evolution and structure, expenditure and tax assignments in India, fiscal imbalances, inter government transfers, infrastructure financing at state level, fiscal decentralization and local governments
Financing of Panchayati raj institutions : Importance of local government finance, decentralization of powers and functions, eleventh schedule of constitution - article 243G, district planning committees, financing panchayats, trends in revenue and expenditure of panchayats, role of state finance commission, central finance commission, role of dentrally sponsored schemes, reforming rural fiscal decentralization in India
Panchayati raj institutions and rural development : Decentralization and rural development, rural infrastructure development, rural roads - Pradhan mantri Gram sadak yojana, bharat nirman, role of panchayats, PMGSY, rural housing Indira awass yojana, policy initiatives and restructuring IAY, rural drinking water supply, accelerated rural water supply program - ARWSP, rural sanitation, sanitation policy of India, total sanitation campaign (TSC), nirmal gram puraskar (NGP), rural electrification, RGGVY, other development programs, SGRY, NRHM, mid day meal scheme, SSA, elements of a well designed Panchayati raj system, system for good accountability, transparency, strengthening the gram sabha, capacity building and training, backward region grant fund, rural business hubs
Year: 2011
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