Microfinance for macro change emerging challenges
by Jośī, Dīpāli Panta
Published by : Gyan Pub. House (New Delhi ) Physical details: 319 p ISBN:978-81-212-1048-5.
Microfinance in India.
Poverty in Government policy in India.
Microfinance Approaches and its role as a poverty intervention effort : Financial repression, Sustainable finance, Infrastructure and micro credit, Sustainable rural livelihood promotion, Public policy, Credit and labour market, Informal source of credit, Rural lending, Poverty eradication programmes
Delivery models micro credit through micro finance institutions (MFI)- scaling up pro poor interventions
Self help groups SHG federations, Grameen Bank replication models, Small loan administration, MFIs, Microfinance developemnt and equity fund, MFDEF, Role of Sidbi, Rashtriya mahila kosh Rmk, Microfinance institutions, Micro insurance, RBI
NABARD sponsored SHG-Banking linkage program-Progress prospects : Financial sustainability high recovery percentage of out standing loans, EDA rural systems and Apmas 2006, SHG post office linkage programme, Sa-Dhan's voluntary mutual code of conduct for its member institutions
Banks delivery of microfinance through the district central cooperative banks and the regional rural banks : National rural financial inclusion plan (NRFIP) for RRBS
Microfinace and empowerment of women: Rashtriya Mahila Kosh, Projects Focusing on poor women, Sustainability, Products and services for women,Self employed women in unorganised sector, Brave women of Jhabua Madhya Pradesh
Microfinance and empowerment of the poor: Bank Rakyat Indonesia the Agricultural development bank (AGDB) , Rural finance
Role of technology in ramping up access to the poor : Banking correspondents (BCS)
Emerging concerns : Microfinance institutions, Prudential and non-Prudential regulations, Bottom-up approach, Top down approach, Calibration of risks, MFIS, Extant banking laws and norms and their application to microfinance, NBFCS,
Future of microfinance - recommendations
Year: 2010
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