Casino capitalism : how the financial crisis came about and what needs to be done now
by Sinn, Hans-Werner
Published by : Oxford University Press (Oxford ; New York ) Physical details: 374p. ISBN:978-0-19-958827-5.
Global Financial Crisis
Banks and banking
Government policy
Social responsibility of business
Moral and ethical aspects
Recession and depression, Shock producers and shock absorbers
Life and credit: America has been living beyond its means, Financiers of the world capital markets, Depreciation of the dollar, Stock price, Savings glut or glut of toxic assets, Housing crisis, Monetary policy
bank failures: German landesbanken, Lehman brothers and the collapse of interbank operations, nationalization
Wall street : capitalism, Under-capitalised investment banks, Market, Investment bankers as soldiers of fortune , sustainability, Lemon trade
Non resource loans. banks as gambling partners, Lottery and Clinton's law
Securitization trick, Trick with honorarium and cash back credits, failure of the rating agencies, People's republic America
Policy failure: Henry paulson and SEC, Modoff, Spitzeder and Ponzi, Capital ratio, Pro-cyclical effects of the mark to market methods, dynamic company valuation is also pro-cyclical, special purpose vehicles and hedge funds, Competition in Laxity, Selection principle and neoliberalism
Bank losses to date US banks at the centre, UK, Germany, France, Switzerland , Netherlands and Belgium and Austria , Hidden write-offs, credit card problem, Graveyard insurance
Rescue attempts : bank rescue, US package, Geithner plan , British way, Monetary policy, Keynesian recovery packages, why government should not bail out GM and Opel
West retain its stability : Eurobonds
Banking system : Liquidity, solvency and equity gifts, Bank hospital, Common supervisory system , Basel III and the accounting rules, Credible regulation, Executive pay, Eliminating the pro-cyclicality of the supervisory system, Special purpose vehicles and hedge funds, Glass-Steagall act, banning short sales, New businesses models for the rating agencies, non-resource claims
Year: 2010
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