Public International Law
by Jayakumar, N K
Additional authors:
Sushakumari, V K
Published by :
The Academy of Legal Publication
Physical details: 272p.
Municipal Law
International Transaction
International Institution
Origin, nature and basis of international law
Sources of international law : Customs, treaties, decisions of judicial or arbitral tribunals, decisions or determinations of organs of international institutions or international conferences peremptory principles or norms, codification of international law
Relation between international law and municipal law : Dualistic theory, monistic theory - practice of UK, USA and India, international tribunals and operations of municipal law
Position of states in international law : Sovereignty, composite international persons, mandated areas, trusteeship system, micro states, position of states in International law
Declaratory or evidentiary theory, constitutive theory, recognition of new heads and governments
State territory : Divisibility of territorial sovereignty, national and territorial waters, continental shelf , exclusive economic zone, UN conference on law of sea, Indian law relating to territorial sea air space and outer space
Jurisdiction : Criminal jurisdiction, open sea, piracy, hijacking
Immunity from jurisdiction : Sovereign immunity, diplomatic immunity, diplomatic privilege of non diplimatic persons, state ships in foreign waters, agents without diplomatic or consular character, international institutions
Intervention : Self preservation in interest of balnce of pover, humanitarian intervention, immoral act for financial reasons in civil wars, Munroe doctrine, Drago doctrine
State responsibility : Responsibility for international delinquencies, individual responsibility for international delinquency, requirement of malice and culpable negligence, nationality, municipal laws and prescriptions
Individual in International law : Nationality, double nationality, statelessness, double criminality, terrorism, protection of minorities, human rights, European convention for protection of human rights
State succession : Universal succession, partial succession, external changes of sovereignty, internal changes of sovereignty
International transaction : Negotiations, congress and conference, declarations, notification, protests, renunciation treaties
International institutions : League of nations, UN , model questions
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