Case studies in public administration: An analytical guide
by Singh Jaideep
Published by : Indian Institute of Public Administration (New Delhi) Physical details: XIX, 100p
India in Politics and government in Case studies.
Politics and government India.
Delivery systems- Asian experience : Primary health care, family planning programs, non-formal education, hybrid seeds production, irrigation water through tubewells- a techno-economic evaluation, fertilizer, agricultural credit
Case studies in Panchayati raj : Allotment of PWD quarters to panchayat staff in Rampur district, district panchayat asserts for autonomy, distribution of subsidy to adivasis, asking government to pay for water supply scheme
Building water works in two villages of Chandnagar district, district panchayat plans for agricultural development, setting up of a primary health center in Amarpur, location of a primary health cenre in Kekawada, utilisation of small irrigation tanks in Sunder Shehar Taluka, reclamation of Kharland
New challenges of administration : Transfer of collector if Matsyapura, railmen's cooperative bank, municipal taxation, reorganisation of district administration in AP, revival of Korba fertilizer project, management of tribal development corporation
Administrators in action : Management of a moribund cooperative sugar factory, management in crisis- Nizam sugar factory, raising of working capital by Nizam sugar factory, implementation of schemes for production of higher yielding seeds in state of Maharashtra, fertilizer distribution for high-yielding verities program, expansion of agricultural education in Maharashtra, forging an industrial project, creation and abolition of post of director of social welfare, implementation of family planning program
Industrial administration : Problem of capitalization in HPF, product mix of Hindustan photo films manufacturing company limits, location of synthetic drugs project at Hyderabad, bank finance to small scale industry, case study on transfer and expansion of foundry and forge division of victory machines limited, price of power for Korba aluminum plant, Indian vegetable oils limited
New vistas in administration : Case of ghost ration cards, bus fare rise, one lakh housing scheme of Kerala, birth of iron ore board- background and problem, incentives and productivity in port labor, transport economics appointment of a liaison agency by public body
Approving location for a cinema theater, law and order situation, problems of students indiscipline and lawlessness case study of Magadh university, groundnut oil crisis, provident fund scheme for aided school teachers in Kerala, harassment to a citizen by a civic service department
Administrative environment : Dry dock project at Visakhapatnam, public sector corporation, establishment of institute of technology at Banaras Hindu University, management-labor conflict and minimax, municipal muddle, authority and conflict, doctor's dilemma, partial mechanization in a municipal department, collection of property tax
Indian administration : Land ceiling in Himachal Pradesh, demand for bonus to employees of a state undertaking, law and order situation, location of palletization plant, Hindustan cooperative bakery, dynamics of a strike
Year: 1987
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