Indiaʼs foreign policy
by Dutt, Vidya Prakash
Published by : Vikas (New Delhi :) Physical details: x, 447 p ISBN:0-7069-3309-5.
Foreign relations
Diplomatic relations
India's Foreign relations
Parameters : Compulsions of history, Non-alignment realistic relationship, Kashmir and foreign policy, economic goals and foreign policy, domestic, regional and international balance of forces, Changing balance and conflict with China, War with Pakistan, Security and foreign policy
Setting and India's trilateral relationship : Domestic balance, Two-pronged approaches, Five dimensional policy, Non- alignment, Bangladesh crisis, Domestic balance and foreign policy, Afghanistan and trilateral relationship, Seventh non-aligned summit, deteriorating security environment, Gandhi's assassination, Rajive Gandhi and foreign policy
India and US: Gandhi's US visit, Nixon's sequence, Great divide, India's nuclear explosion and USA
Indian and Soviet Union; Indo-pak development, Arms supply to Pakistan and the perspective, Defence and security aspects, Domestic development, Mascow and Indian ocean, Brezhnev visit, economic and other assistance, Domestic and foreign interaction, Indira's second time,
Pakistan a historical struggle: basic issues, Aftermath of Tashkent, Simla conference, India's nuclear blast and pakistan, Resumption of US military supplies, New military relationship with USA
Bangladesh and Nepal: India's assistance, Deterioration in relations, gradual stability in relations, Indo-Nepalies polices, King Mahendra, China factor, Sikkim connection , return to Normalcy
China, Sri Lanka and Burma: Indian settlers in Sri Lanka, Economic issues, territorial problems, Leftist revolt, and India's help, Development of economic relations and territorial settlements, visit of two prime ministers, Sri Lanka carnage, Ethnic explosion, Colombo's dual policy, Indian and Burma
Indian and south-east Asia; duality of Interest : Regional cooperation, Relations with Malaysia, Indonesia, Demarcation of ocean frontiers, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Asean, Kampuchea
Gulf and west Asia: Primacy of national interests: indo-Egyptian relations, political relationship after Nasser, Economic relations, Iran: rediscovery, Development and cooperation, Economic relations , West Asia and India, India labour in west Asia, Iran-Iraq war, Gulf War, Rajiv's visit to Egypt, Other gulf and west Asian countries
African resurgence: Commodity of interest: East Africa, Tanzania and Zambia, Nigeria and Mozambique, Mauritius and the Indian ocean Rajiv's Safari to Africa
Europe and Japan : Security
France and India, European economic Community, East Europe, Nuclear threat , south Asian regional cooperation, development
Year: 1984
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